Day 2, It is Hot! The heat index is 90 which means we need to drink a quart of water an hour. So you Scouts that are heading here, get used to drinking a lot of water! We had to go an hour south today to Richmond and pick up rental cars at the airport and I got to drive back in an orange Dodge Colbalt. Traffic is crazy out here running on Hwy 95 towards Washington DC.
Our office is in a trailer, that I mujst confess is air conditioned, but we are not in it a lot. I have attached a photo of our headquarters inside and out.
Watching things come to life here is amazing! It starts as big field areas, and in a weeks time or less it becomes a bustling city of over 40,000. It changes every hour and new things seem to come from nowhere and a new structure, tent or building is erected. The top staff here have told us that this compares to the organization at NASA. The military, Scouting volunteers, state, county, and local officials all working together to pull this event off. The military has an operations center on the base that is unbelievable! Cameras, TV screens, computers, everything to keep an eye on the base and all the Scouts that will be here.
Hrm... the flag says you're your own food group. I should add you to my food pyramid.